石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2694-2697&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁144-148&*蘇軾(西元一O三七-一一O一年),字子瞻,自號東坡居士,四川眉山人,卒諡文忠。博通經史,工詩詞,善書畫,與蔡襄、黃庭堅、米芾並稱宋代四大書家。此札用筆流暢,線條圓潤厚重,結體寬博雍容,字體大小錯落,姿態豐富,屈伸有致。「曹君」應是元豐中知光州的曹演甫,其子曹煥娶蘇轍第三女,故稱「親家」,從內容判斷書於曹、蘇定親或完婚後的元豐六年(一O八三)。(20120104)&*Su Shi (style name Zizhan, sobriquet Dongpo jushi) was a native of Meishan in Sichuan and posthumously entitled Wenzhong. Su was noted for his erudition in the Classics and history, also excelling at poetry, painting, and calligraphy. In the latter he is known with Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, and Cai Xiang as one of the Four Song Masters. The brushwork here is fluid and the lines rich and strong. Character forms are expansive and composed of different sizes for various gestures that bend and stretch. Gentleman Cao here probably refers to Cao Yanfu, who was Prefect of Guangzhou in the Yuanfeng era. Cao's son, Cao Huan, married a daughter of Su Zhe, Su Shi's brother, which is why Cao is called a "relative" here. The contents of this work were written after the engagement or marriage of Su and Cao in 1083. (20120104)&*蘇軾(1037-1101)、字は子瞻、号は東坡居士、四川眉山の人、諡は文忠。経史に精通し、詩詞に巧みで書画を善くした。蔡襄、黄庭堅、米芾とともに宋代四大書家に数えられる。本作を見ると、流れるように滑らかな用筆、丸みのある重厚な線、大きく幅広の結体、大小異なる文字の組み合わせなど、変化に富み、実に伸びやかである。「曹君」とは、元豊時代の知光州曹演甫だと思われる。その息子曹煥が蘇軾の三女を娶ったので、「親家」(婚家に対する呼称)と称している。内容から判断するに、両家の婚約が整った後か、成婚後の元豊6年(1083)に書かれたものであろう。(20120104)